Once a month the library will host a documentary movie night.
Bring your own beanbag and for a quiet evening with a documentary movie (regular chairs will be also provided). The library does not endorse any opinion or perspective in selected documentaries. Not all movies are suitable for all ages or sensibilities.
Demon Mineral (2023, 89 minutes) can be considered an anti-Western, flipping the classical cinematic paradigm by centering the voices and experiences of the Diné community to explore the legacy of uranium mining in Diné Bikeyah, the sacred homelands of the Navajo where over 500 unremediated mines are scattered across an area the size of West Virginia. In the span of just four generations entire ways of living have been lost or severely compromised, as mining has contaminated the air, water, livestock, and land upon which the community relies for its existence. The film also celebrates the actions the Diné community is taking to fight against new mines and improve life in an irradiated ecosystem which has resulted in a sharp rise in cancer, kidney failure, and other diseases.